Thursday, 10 May 2012

The Next Wave

It's good to catch up with a good mate on the road. I've caught up with him again in Albany and once again Alana and myself are in the easy company of Glendon and Rachael.

Whilst corralled in by our respective motorcamperhome and caravan we have been having one of our late afternoon get togethers, chatting about the day and revisiting our journey so far. Glendon and I were musing on the subject of waving at passerbys from the opposite direction and came to the conclusion that mainly caravaners wave at fellow vaners while motor homers wave at mainly motor homers. Heavily laden bicycle tourists don't wave at anybody (fair enough). Euros in hired Camper vans are still trying to work out what side of the road they are driving on, so they don't wave at anyone. Truck drivers, well I can't tell you who and what they wave to on account of me hanging on white knuckled to the steering wheel while coming within a bees dick of being blown off the road by the passing speed and spacial awareness precision of the monstrous B-Doubles thundering by.

A slight variation to this waving etiquette is a game called Chicken. Which is when you see who sticks their hands up first, trying not to be the first to do it.

Glendon has a very funny piece in his blog on this phenomena of waving while travelling out on the road. Read it and weep, with absolute hilarity.  Here is the link. I will provide below the images of what the waves are.

     The one finger pointed with hands remaining on the steering wheel wave
: Couldn't really give a hoot about you, just feels that he should acknowledge your wave with the barest effort. 

The two finger pointed with both hands on the steering wheel wave.
: A retired ex goal umpire.

The one finger pointed followed by the rest of his fingers with hands remaining on the steering wheel wave.
: He is a little slow in the reflex department.

The full hand off the steering wheel wave.
: A good bloke!
The Royal wave
: Usually given by gigantic $250,000+ motor homers to smaller insignificant little pleb like motor campers like mine.

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